/ Publications

2014 | 12 Standort | Dr. Linser member of the GSWS board of directors (in German only)
2014 | 11 Saison | Back to the (wellness) roots! (in German only)
2014 | 10 Tiroler Tageszeitung | Too much nonsense! (in German only)
2014 | 10 wellhotel | A global wellness mastermind (in German only)
2014 | 06 wellhotel | New challenges, new opportunities  (in German only)
2014 | 06 wellhotel |  Holism (in German only)
2014 | 06 Saison | There is strength in the Tyrolean serenity (in German only)
2014 | 02 Wellness World Business | European Health & Spa Award (in German only)
2014 | 01 Sonntagszeitung | Centered (in German only)

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