/ Events

/ HOTEL-SPA Congress Paris

On June 2, 2016, the HOTEL-SPA Congress is taking place in Paris, France. It will be held once more in the world-famous Four Seasons Hotel “George V”. Franz Linser was invited once more to speak to this high-end audience.

/ 2020

ITB Berlin 2020

As the Leading Travel Trade Show, ITB Berlin is the foremost business platform for global touristic offers. In addition to very high exhibitor satisfaction (over 90%), the numbers offer more…

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how wellness changes

Franz Linser had the honor to speak at the spa-direkt congress in Baden- Baden. He spoke on international spa trends and “how the always and permanently working human finds back to…

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ITB Berlin

The Worlds Leading Tourism Fair, ITB will take place March 9-13, 2016. Franz Linser was invited once more to hold the keynote at the fair’s renowned annual “Wellness Forum”. He will…

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